Error Levels
In order to enhance the power of using PKZIP and PKUNZIP from within
another program or within a batch file, they return error levels. These
error levels are listed below.
Please note that if testing error levels in a batch file, DOS tests the
error level not for equality, but for greater than or equal to.
0 No error.
1 Bad file name or file specification.
2,3 Error in .ZIP file.
4-11 Insufficient Memory.
12 No files were found to add to the .ZIP file, or no files
were specified for deletion.
13 File not found. The specified .ZIP file or list file was
not found.
14 Disk full.
15 .ZIP file is read-only and can not be modified.
16 Bad or illegal parameters specified. (help screen displayed)
17 Too many files.
18 Could not open file.
255 User pressed control-c or control-break
0 No error.
1 Warning error (such as failed CRC check).
2,3 Error in .ZIP file.
4-8 Insufficient Memory.
9 File not found. No .ZIP files found.
10 Bad or illegal parameters specified. (help screen displayed)
11 No files found to extract/view etc.
50 Disk Full.
51 Unexpected EOF in .ZIP file.
255 User pressed control-c or control-break
0 No error
1 Error in .ZIP file
2 Error in .ZIP file, use PKZIPFIX
3-4 Insufficient memory to process file
7 Can't open Source file
8 Error in .ZIP file
9 Disk full writing target file during EXE to ZIP process
11 Disk full writing target file during ZIP to EXE process
12 .ZIP file being converted contains a file compressed with a
method not supported by the version of PKSFX being
attached by ZIP2EXE
13 User answered "NO" in response to an "overwrite(y/n)?" prompt
1 Warning error such as:
File fails CRC check, Unknown compression method.
3 Can't find .EXE file
4-8 Insufficient memory
9 Unable to located listfile
12 User aborted at comment pausing "Extract now (y/n)?" prompt
13 Error in .EXE file
50 Disk full
1 Warning error such as:
File fails CRC check, Unknown compression method.
2 Can't find .EXE file
3 Error in .EXE file
4 File has a bad table
5 Can't create file
6 Disk full
7 Too many files
8 User aborted at comment pausing "Extract now (y/n)?" prompt